When playing roulette, there are a few basic strategies that can increase your chances of winning. Here are what they are:
The rules here are very simple. The strategy is to double your bet whenever you lose a hand, because the idea is that even after a losing streak, you might get lucky and win, and the amount you win should well cover your losses and even come out a winner.
Grand Martingale

This strategy is similar to the first, except that when you lose, you must double your bet on the next spin and add an additional amount equal to the original bet. The strategy is very profitable and you can walk away with a solid amount of money after a few rounds, but you can also lose a lot if luck is not on your side.
By Fibonacci
This strategy is ideal for the more conservative player who prefers the safer play. At its core are the Fibonacci number sequence, which shows the sum of the two numbers before it, which looks like this:
1 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 8 – 13 – 21 – 34 – 55 – 89 – 144 – 233 – 377 – 610 – 987
With this strategy, it is a good idea to start the game with a minimum bet and only bet on even numbers. This way you have a 50% chance of winning every time. The special thing about this strategy is that you have to wait for your first win to move on to the next number in this sequence.
This strategy offers players less risk of losing a large amount of money. It is for those who are risk averse or do not have the ability to double their bets as with other strategies. It is designed for black/red, odd/even or 1-18/19-36 bets.
Jam Bond

This strategy is best suited for players who wouldn’t sit at the roulette table for long. With this easy strategy, they are guaranteed to win 2/3 of the time they play, and they only have to remember three bets:
- They bet 140 leva on a chosen number from 19 to 36.
- Bet 50 leva on a number from 13 to 18.
- 3.Finally, they bet 10 leva on the number 0.
The chance of losing here is also high, as well as exceeding the maximum bets on the table.
All in
This strategy is for the players who are looking for the thrill of the game and the possibility of winning quick money. The approach here is very simple, you just need to choose the sector you want to bet on and bet all your money. As long as you get lucky and win, you can do this a few more times until you have money.
Whichever of these few strategies you choose when playing roulette, it will allow you to enjoy the game or make it easier to learn if you are a beginner and don’t have enough experience. The most important thing is to be able to control yourself and know when to stop if you are unlucky.